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Amulet of Elven Unity

wondrous item (amulet), uncommon (requires attunement by an elf or half-elf)

Amulet of Elven Unity
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This finely crafted amulet of intertwined silver is adorned with two emeralds.

Elven Grace

You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws and can move through nonmagical difficult terrain without expending additional movement.


In the age of ancient sylvan realms and the harmonious mingling of elves and half-elves, there existed a wise elven sage named Lysandra Starweaver. Lysandra was renowned for her profound understanding of unity, not only among her kindred elves but also between the elves and their half-elven brethren. Deeply moved by the bond that connected them, Lysandra embarked on a quest to create an artifact that would symbolize this unity for generations to come.
Guided by the whispers of the ancient forests and aided by skilled artisans from both elven and half-elven communities, Lysandra crafted the Amulet of Elven Unity. Forged from silver found deep within the heart of the Feywild, the amulet was adorned with two perfect emeralds, intertwined in a mesmerizing dance of silver. Infused with the essence of unity, the amulet pulsed with a subtle, radiant glow.
Legend has it that the amulet was imbued with the blessings of the elven deities, who recognized the importance of harmony and cooperation in a world threatened by darkness. Lysandra channeled her wisdom and the collective essence of her people into the amulet, creating a powerful artifact that could bolster the natural abilities of elves and half-elves alike.
The creation of the Amulet of Elven Unity became a symbol of hope and cooperation among the elven and half-elven communities. Leaders from both races wore the amulet during times of great gatherings, signifying their commitment to working together for the greater good. Tales of its powers spread far and wide, inspiring generations of elves and half-elves to honor the unity between their races.
Throughout the ages, the amulet found its way into the hands of heroes and diplomats, becoming a cherished relic of elven and half-elven history. Its presence served as a reminder of the bond that existed between these kindred races, even in times of strife and division.
To this day, the Amulet of Elven Unity remains a beacon of hope, encouraging elves and half-elves to embrace their shared heritage and stand united against the encroaching shadows that threaten the realms. Those who wear the amulet are imbued with the spirit of cooperation, reminding all that in unity, there is strength, and in harmony, there is power.
Tags:advantagefeyhumanoidloreperceptionreactionsaving throwwalking

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