Set item layout:

Squeaky ball of Beast Taming

wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

Squeaky ball of Beast Taming

This bright red ball is made of rubber and squeaks when squeezed. It has a faint aura of enchantment magic.

Play Fetch

As an action, you can throw the ball at a beast that you can see within 60 feet of you. The beast must make a Wisdom saving throw (See table below for DC). If you or your allies have harmed the beast, it has advantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, the beast is charmed by you for 1 hour or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it.
The charmed beast regards you as a friendly acquaintance and obeys your commands to the best of its ability. You can use a bonus action to speak a simple command to the beast, such as “fetch”, “sit”, or “attack”.

Beast Bond

If you use the ball to charm the same beast three times, you form a bond with the beast that lasts until you charm another beast using this item. The bonded beast becomes your loyal companion and follows you wherever you go, unless you command it otherwise. You can communicate telepathically with the bonded beast as long as you are on the same plane of existence.
The bonded beast gains the following benefits:
  • Its hit point maximum increases by 10.
  • It gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
You can only have one bonded beast at a time. If you charm another beast with this item, the previous bond is broken.

Saving Throw DC

The DC to resist the ball's magic is determined by the beast's challenge rating.
Challenge RatingSaving Throw DC


The Squaky Ball of Beast Taming was crafted by Aella, a young tiefling woman with an innate affinity for animals. Growing up in the bustling port city of Neverwinter, Aella was often found wandering the docks and forests, befriending the creatures that called those places home. She was fascinated by their unique personalities and behaviors, and she yearned to bridge the gap between humans and animals.
Aella's dream took a significant step forward when she stumbled upon a rare, iridescent red rubber ball during her explorations. The ball was soft and buoyant, and it emitted a curious squeak when squeezed. Intrigued by its unusual properties, Aella began experimenting with the ball, tossing it to various animals and observing their reactions.
To her astonishment, the animals seemed drawn to the ball, and they often responded to its squeak with playful curiosity. Aella realized that the ball held some kind of enchantment, perhaps imbuing it with the power to connect with animals on an emotional level.
With unwavering determination, Aella spent years perfecting her technique, learning to manipulate the ball's enchantments to influence the behavior of animals. She discovered that by throwing the ball and squeaking it rhythmically, she could evoke a sense of loyalty and obedience in the creatures it touched.
One day, while venturing into the depths of Neverwinter Wood, Aella encountered a magnificent dire wolf, a creature known for its ferocity and independence. The wolf eyed her warily, its teeth bared, but Aella remained calm and approached the creature with the ball in hand.
Carefully tossing the ball towards the wolf and squeaking it softly, Aella watched as the wolf's demeanor softened. It lowered its head, its eyes following the bouncing ball with fascination. Aella continued to interact with the wolf, using the ball to form a bond of trust and companionship.
After weeks of patient interaction, Aella and the wolf became inseparable. The wolf, now named Ember, followed Aella everywhere she went, becoming her loyal companion and protector. Together, they explored the vast forests of Neverwinter Wood, forming an unbreakable friendship.
Tags:+1+2+3acrobaticsadvantageathleticsattack rollbeastcharmedloremax hpperceptionproficiencystealthsurvivaltelepathythrown

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