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Syringe Dart

weapon (dart), uncommon

Syringe Dart
Illustration: Timmmi (using AI-tools like Midjourney & Dall-E)

This dart has a hollow metal tip that can be filled with a liquid, such as a potion, poison, or acid.

Load the syringe

You can use an action to fill the syringe dart with up to 1 ounce of liquid from a vial or flask. Once filled, the syringe dart retains the liquid until it is used or emptied. You can use a bonus action to empty the syringe dart without using it.
The syringe dart can be reused if you recover it after using it, but you must clean it with water before filling it with a different liquid.


When you hit a creature with a syringe dart, the creature takes the darts normal damage, plus any additional effects from the liquid in the syringe dart. For example, if the syringe dart contains a potion of healing, the creature regains hit points; if the syringe dart contains a poison, the creature must make a saving throw against the poison's DC or suffer its effects.

Gentle Prick

You can choose to throw the syringe dart gently to deal no damage on impact, but you must make the attack roll with disadvantage and you cannot exceed the dart's short range (20 feet). If the target is an ally, they can use their reaction to move into the dart's path, guaranteeing a hit.


The syringe dart was the invention of a brilliant but eccentric alchemist named Eldar Keamyar, who had a fascination with the secrets of life and death. Eldar Keamyar believed that by studying the blood and essence of different creatures, he could unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and achieve immortality.
Eldar Keamyar spent years collecting and experimenting with various fluids, potions, poisons, and acids, using his syringe dart to inject or extract them from his subjects. He also devised a way to imbue his dart with magic, enhancing its accuracy and potency. He kept a detailed journal of his findings, hoping to discover the ultimate formula for life.
However, his obsession soon drove him mad, and he began to test his concoctions on himself, hoping to gain the abilities and traits of the creatures he had studied. He also became paranoid and reclusive, fearing that someone would steal his research or his syringe dart, which he considered his most precious possession.
One day, a group of adventurers stumbled upon his hidden laboratory, where they found Eldar Keamyar lying on a table, surrounded by vials and flasks. He was barely alive, his body twisted and mutated by his experiments. He clutched his syringe dart in his hand, as if ready to use it one last time. The adventurers tried to help him, but he refused to let go of his dart, and muttered something about his final discovery. He then injected himself with a dark liquid, and his eyes widened in horror as he realized his mistake. He had used the wrong vial, and instead of granting him eternal life, he had given himself a lethal dose of poison. He gasped and fell silent, his grip on the dart loosening.
Tags:+1+2blindedcharmedconsumablefinessehealingimmunityincapacitatedloreno attunementparalyzedpetrifiedpoisonedrangedresistancerestrainedsimplestunnedthrownunconscious

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