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The Earthshaker

weapon (maul), legendary (requires attunement)

The Earthshaker
Illustration: Timmmi (using AI-tools like Midjourney & Dall-E)

An ancient magical blade was once set firmly in place in a large boulder, and legend said that one day a hero worthy of the power of the blade would arrive and that they would be able to pull the sword free from the stone. Eons have passed since then, and no hero has been deemed worthy by the blade yet.
In it's current state The Earthshaker can be wielded as a maul.

Magic Weapon

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Stone Smasher

The sword is unusually large, even for a greatsword and extremely heavy. You must have a strength score of 18 or higher to use it.
The weapon has the reach property.
Attacks made against creatures within 5 ft of you take slashing damage, and attacks made against creatures that are 10 ft away take bludgeoning damage.

Siege Weapon

This weapon deals double damage to objects and structures.

True Potential

In the event that a hero is deemed worthy by the blade, the remaining rock will easily fall off revealing the entire sword and it's true potential.
In this state The Earthshaker is a greatsword that deals slashing damage.
The weapon’s bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3.
Once per long rest you can use an action to insert the blade into the ground. The sword will pass easily through any material. When it's placed in the ground you can twist it to cast the Earthquake (evocation)
Level: 8
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Creatures in a 100-ft radius must succeed on a Dex. save or be knocked prone. Cause damage to structures.

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spell (save DC 20). Once the spell has been cast you can pull the sword free from the ground as a part of the same action.


The Earthshaker is a legendary weapon that was forged by the ancient giants in the Age of Titans. The giants were masters of earth magic and metalworking, and they created this sword as a symbol of their might and dominion over the land. The sword was imbued with the power of earthquakes, and it could shake the very foundations of the world with a single strike.
The sword was wielded by the giant king Tharion, who led his people in a war against the dragons. Tharion was a brave and noble leader, but he was also proud and arrogant. He believed that he was the only one worthy of the sword’s power, and he refused to share it with anyone else. He claimed that the sword had chosen him as its true owner, and that it would never leave his side.
However, Tharion’s pride proved to be his downfall. In a decisive battle against the dragon queen Zalara, he charged headlong into her lair, confident that he could slay her with his sword. But Zalara was cunning and prepared. She had set a trap for Tharion, and as he entered her domain, she unleashed a blast of fire that melted his armor and burned his flesh. Tharion fell to the ground, mortally wounded, and dropped his sword.
Zalara saw the sword and recognized its power. She decided to take it for herself, and reached for it with her claws. But as soon as she touched it, she felt a surge of pain and resistance. The sword rejected her, and sent a shockwave of earth magic through her body. Zalara recoiled in agony, and realized that the sword had a will of its own. It would not accept anyone who was not worthy of its power.
Zalara was furious and frustrated. She could not destroy the sword, nor could she take it with her. She decided to leave it where it was, but not before sealing it in a massive boulder of stone. She used her fire breath to fuse the rock around the sword, hoping to trap it forever. She then flew away, leaving Tharion and his sword behind.
The boulder remained in Zalara’s lair for centuries, forgotten by most. Many adventurers tried to claim the sword, but none could break through the stone or pull it out. The sword remained dormant, waiting for someone who could prove themselves worthy of its power.
That someone was Gwen Rockwell, a stonemason who had a passion for exploring ancient ruins. She stumbled upon Zalara’s lair by chance, and was amazed by what she found. She saw the boulder with the sword embedded in it, and felt a strange attraction to it. She decided to try to free the sword from the stone, using her tools and skills.
She worked tirelessly for days, chipping away at the rock with her hammer and chisel. She managed to expose most of the blade, but she could not remove the last foot of stone that covered the hilt. She tried everything she could think of: fire, acid, magic, but nothing worked. The stone seemed to be infused with the sword’s magic, and resisted all attempts to break it.
Gwen was frustrated but not discouraged. She decided to keep the sword as it was, and use it as a weapon. She found that she could wield it as a maul, despite its size and weight. She also discovered that despite still being lodged in the stone it had some of its original power.
She did not know that the sword was watching her every move, testing her character and courage. It sensed something special in Gwen: a spark of nobility and bravery that reminded it of its original owner Tharion. It wondered if she could be the one who could restore its glory and honor.

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