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Ring of the Firelord

ring, very rare (requires attunement)

Ring of the Firelord
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This ring has a large ruby that glows with an inner flame. The platinum band is cold, even as the ring radiates warmth to those nearby.

Fire Resistance

While you're wearing this ring you have resistance to fire damage.

Burning Hands

You can use an action to cast the Burning Hands (evocation)
Level: 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Creatures in a 15-ft cone must succeed on a Dex. save or take 3d6 fire damage (damage/lvl).

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spell (save DC 16) from the ring. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


You can use a bonus action to ignite or extinguish the ruby's flame. While the flame is ignited, you deal an extra fire damage with any weapon attack or spell. Additionally, you shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.


The ring is cursed, and once attuned, the wearer must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the wearer gains a new flaw related to fire or their obsession with power. The flaw is determined by the DM or rolled on the table below. At the DM's discretion the flaw can be removed by a Remove Curse (abjuration)
Level: 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

End all curses affecting one creature or object.

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spell or a similar effect.
1I am obsessed with fire and I want to burn everything I see.
2I am afraid of water and I avoid it at all costs.
3I have a fire-related prophecy that I’m trying to fulfill or avoid. I believe that I’m destined to destroy the world with fire.
4I believe that fire is the ultimate source of power and wisdom.
5I have a habit of setting things on fire when I’m bored or nervous.
6I am fanatical and I believe I have a divine mission to spread fire.


The Ring of the Firelord was forged by the legendary fire genasi mage Razel, who was obsessed with mastering the power of fire. They spent decades studying ancient tomes, experimenting with alchemical formulas, and exploring volcanic regions in search of the secrets of fire magic.
Razel was born with a natural affinity for fire, but they were never satisfied with their abilities. They wanted to become the greatest fire mage in history, and they were willing to do anything to achieve their goal. They sacrificed their friends, family, and morals in their quest for power. They even made a pact with a fiendish entity that promised them access to the infernal flames.
Razel’s pact with a fiend was one of the most dangerous and desperate moves they ever made. They had heard rumors of a powerful being that dwelled in the Nine Hells, a lord of fire and destruction known as Belial. Razel was intrigued by the possibility of learning from such a creature, and decided to contact him through a dark ritual.
Razel managed to establish a connection with Belial, and offered him their soul in exchange for his knowledge and power. Belial was amused by Razel’s audacity, and agreed to the deal. He taught Razel some of his secrets of fire magic, and granted him a portion of his infernal flame. He also marked Razel with his symbol, a burning eye, as a sign of his ownership.
Razel’s breakthrough came when they learned of a rare mineral called pyrostone, which could store and amplify fire energy. They spent years searching for it, until they finally found a hidden vein of it in the depths of a dormant volcano. They risked their life to mine it, fighting off lava creatures and avoiding eruptions. They then used their skills and resources to craft a ring from pyrostone, imbuing it with their own essence and magic.
The ring was a masterpiece of fire magic, granting Razel incredible power and control over fire. They could unleash devastating spells, ignite anything they touched, and absorb fire damage. They also gained a fiery aura that illuminated their surroundings and intimidated their enemies. They named the ring the Ring of the Firelord, and declared themselves the supreme ruler of fire.
However, Razel’s ambition soon turned into madness. They became paranoid and ruthless, seeing everyone as a potential threat or a tool. They started a war against other mages and kingdoms, seeking to conquer and burn everything in their path. They also became addicted to Belial’s power, wearing the ring constantly and refusing to part with it.
Belial had ulterior motives for accepting Razel’s offer. He wanted to use Razel as his pawn in his schemes against other fiends and mortals. He also wanted to corrupt Razel’s mind and soul, and turn them into his loyal servant. He subtly influenced Razel’s thoughts and actions, making them more aggressive, arrogant, and cruel. He also planted seeds of doubt and fear in Razel’s heart, making them paranoid and isolated.
Razel soon became addicted to Belial’s power, and depended on him for guidance and approval. They lost their sense of self and identity, and became a mere extension of Belial’s will. They also lost their free will, and became bound to obey Belial’s commands.
Belial used Razel as his instrument of chaos and destruction, sending them to wreak havoc on his enemies and rivals. He also enjoyed watching Razel suffer from the consequences of their actions, and the hatred and fear they inspired in others. He took pleasure in tormenting Razel’s soul, reminding them of their foolishness and fate.
Razel eventually realized their mistake, but it was too late. They had sold their soul to Belial, and there was no way to escape or break the pact. They were doomed to serve Belial for eternity, even after their death. They regretted their decision, but they had no choice but to follow Belial’s orders.
Razel’s reign of terror ended when they faced a coalition of heroes and mages who opposed them. They managed to defeat them in a fierce battle, but not before they caused massive destruction and casualties. The ring was taken from them and hidden away, hoping that no one would ever find it or use it again.
But the ring still exists, somewhere in the world, waiting for a new owner who can wield its power. Will you be the one to claim it? Or will you be consumed by its flame?
Tags:actionbonus actioncurseddamage rollfiregemloremelee attackranged attackresistancespell attackspellstemporary hp

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