Chains of Asmodeus
weapon (whip), artifact
Forged in the deepest pits of Nessus, the Chains of Asmodeus were once wielded by Asmodeus’ chosen enforcers, used to break the wills of betrayers and...
Needle and Thread of Eternal Binding
wondrous item (consumable), legendary
The Needle and Thread of Eternal Binding is a delicate-looking needle made of an unknown, shimmering metal, accompanied by a spool of thread that seem...
Mask of the Shadowed Gaze
wondrous item (headgear), very rare
This smooth, featureless black mask reflects no light, and wisps of shadow trail from its edges. While wearing it, your eyes glow a deep crimson.
Shroud of the Phantom Queen
wondrous item (cloak), very rare
Woven from the shadows of the forgotten dead, this tattered black cloak flickers at its edges like smoke in the wind. When worn, it seems to cling to ...
Emberheart Blade
weapon (any sword), legendary
Forged in the heart of a dying volcano, the Emberheart Blade is a weapon of relentless heat and burning fury. The blade’s dark steel core is veined wi...
Everfrost Orb
gemstone, very rare
A flawless sphere of ice-blue crystal, the Everfrost Orb shimmers with an eternal frost locked within its depths. Snowflakes swirl endlessly inside, u...
Trinket of Unruly Magic
wondrous item, uncommon
This small, enchanted charm—whether a carved wooden token, a shimmering crystal, or a braided band of hair—thrums with chaotic energy, reacting unpred...
Crown of the Void King
wondrous item (headgear), legendary
A blackened silver crown adorned with floating violet gemstones that drift slightly above the metal. The crown crackles with eerie purple energy, and ...
Inkpot of Endless Corrections
wondrous item, uncommon
This inkpot always contains a small supply of ink, which never runs out.
Boots of Even Footing
wondrous item (footwear), uncommon
These well-worn leather boots adjust themselves to fit the wearer perfectly.
Kettle of Perfect Tea
wondrous item, uncommon
This brass kettle magically heats any liquid inside it to a comfortable drinking temperature within one minute, without the need for fire. The kettle ...
Everdry Cloak
wondrous item (cloak), uncommon
This heavy travel cloak never becomes wet, no matter how much rain or water touches it. It also repels mud and grime, keeping the wearer clean. When w...
Branch of Yule
wondrous item, common
This enchanted pine branch, taken from magical trees that embody the spirit of the season. The branch is always fresh and green, with a gentle pine sc...
Muse's Lyric
wondrous item, uncommon
The Muse’s Lyric could be an instrument of your choosing, such as a lute, harp, flute, or even a set of chimes. The Muse’s Lyric is an instrument of r...
Amulet of Eternal Vigil
wondrous item (amulet), legendary
This amulet, carved from a single piece of unknown crystal, glows with a faint internal light. Holding or wearing the amulet, you feel an unnatural co...
Amulet of Vital Transference
wondrous item (amulet), rare
This amulet is carved with intricate runes representing vitality and resilience. While wearing it, your life force becomes more adaptable, allowing yo...
Talia's Quarterstaff of Versatility
staff, uncommon
The quarterstaff is slightly heavier than normal, crafted from sturdy wood, and capped with a ring of moon-touched metal.
The Eye of the Beholder
wondrous item, rare
A small round glass orb filled with a swirling mist that seems to change colors depending on the angle of the light. When held up to the eye, the mist...
The Mirror of Memories
wondrous item, very rare
This is a small, circular mirror that can fit in the palm of your hand. It has a plain silver frame.
wand, very rare
Malice is a sleek, black wand, adorned with silver runes that glow faintly in the presence of magic. It feels cold to the touch and seems to absorb li...