wondrous item (consumable), rare
This sparkling wine is brewed in the feywild by the Fæfolk, who use a secret blend of exotic fruits and flowers. The wine has a golden hue and a fizzy...
Origami Eagle
wondrous item, rare
This sheet of parchment has been enchanted with powerful magic. The parchment has a faint aura of divination magic that can be detected by spells such...
Gyro's mobile workstation
wondrous item, rare
This backpack looks like a normal leather backpack, but it contains a marvel of engineering and magic. It has all the tools and materials needed for a...
Chimera's Mantle
wondrous item (cloak), very rare
This cloak is fashioned from the skin of a chimera and bears three hoods, each resembling one of the beast’s heads.
Crown of the Raven Queen
wondrous item (headgear), legendary
This crown is made of twisted branches and feathers, resembling a raven's nest. It is said to be a gift from the Raven Queen herself to one of her mos...
Spring's Favor
wondrous item (consumable), uncommon
This small glass bulb contains a tiny seed of a magical flower. When you plant it in soil and water it, it grows into a beautiful blossom within an ho...
Mask of the Demogorgon
wondrous item (headgear), very rare
This black iron mask bears the likeness of Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons. It has horn-like protrusions on each side that curve outward and a mouth ...
Amulet of the Moon
wondrous item (amulet), rare
This silver amulet has a crescent moon pendant that glows softly in the dark
Dust Bunny
wondrous item (consumable), uncommon
This item appears as a small ball of fluff that resembles a rabbit.
Arcane Prism
wondrous item, rare
This small crystal prism refracts light in dazzling colors. You can use it as a spellcasting focus for your spells.
Amulet of the Shifter
wondrous item (amulet), rare
This amulet is made of natural materials, such as wood, bone, or stone, and has a carved animal motif.
The Eye of Malice
wondrous item (amulet), legendary
This amulet is a legendary artifact of evil that grants its wearer great power and influence over others, but at a terrible cost. The amulet was forge...
wondrous item (companion), rare
This item appears to be a simple stick in the shape of a humanoid, about 1 foot long. You can use an action to speak its command word and activate it ...
The Cup of Surprises
wondrous item, very rare
A metal cup that can be filled with any liquid. When someone drinks from the cup, they experience a random effect from a list of options. The effects ...
Tiny Tim the Talking Snail
wondrous item (companion), uncommon
This tiny snail has a colorful shell and a curious personality. It attaches itself to your backpack or clothing and follows you around. Tiny Tim can s...
Cake of Nobility
wondrous item (consumable), uncommon
This slice of cake looks ordinary, but it has a faint aroma of roses and vanilla. It is wrapped in a silver foil with a crest of a lion and a unicorn....
Amulet of Prismatic Power
wondrous item (amulet), very rare
This amulet has a large rainbow facet gem set in the center of a gold and platinum filigree. The gem sparkles with different colors as it catches the ...
Nightwalker’s Robe
wondrous item (cloak), very rare
This cloak is made of dark fabric that seems to absorb light. It has a hood that covers your face and a jagged hem that trails behind you. The cloak f...
The Silver Eye
wondrous item, legendary
A gleaming disk of silver that reflects more than reality. It is framed by simple wood and hung by a leather cord, but its true value lies in its ench...
Merlin's Beard
wondrous item, rare
This beard is made of fine silver hair that glitters in the light. It has a soft and silky texture and smells faintly of lavender.